The context menu (Right Mouse Button) should opens in an instant but some user facing problem with it. They experience delays of up to 5 seconds or more when clicking with the right mouse button. The problem is believed to be due to third-party elements introduced in modern versions of NVIDIA and Intel graphics drivers. There is a trick to solve the problem and we can solve the problem in Two ways.
METHOD 1: Solving with Registry
In context Menu there are two option of Intel Graphic Driver we have to remove these two option from context menu and this will solve the problem. Similarly NVIDIA user also have this type of Graphic Driver option.
We can remove those element with the help of Regedit.
Steps 1: Press Win Key + R then type regedit and click OK.
Steps 2: Navigate to
Steps 3: Now delete the following Entries
For Intel graphics card, the two entries that we must remove are "igfxcui" and "igfxDTCM".
For NVIDIA graphics card  the entry that we must delete is the one called "NvCplDesktopContext".
METHOD 2: Solving with Software
One of the reasons why the Windows context menu may take a long time to open is because we have many items in this menu. In that case, we can use ShellExView application to remove all those elements that we do not use/Want.
Steps 1. Download ShellExView and extract it.
Steps 2. Run shexview.exe to open program. .
Steps 3. In Program you can see a long list of option. We only want option that are present in context menu and for this we use filter. To filter Go menu "Options" and then choose "Filter By Extension Type".
Steps 4. Choose only "Context Menu" and press OK.
Steps 5. To disable an item, right click on it and choose "Disable selected items".
Steps 6. Restart PC
Steps 7. Thats All.